Theatre in Wales

Amateur theatre and drama groups in Wales


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Montgomeryshire Youth Theatre

contact person Penny Jones
other notes Founded in 1983, MYT has offered a continuous programme of workshops, projects, productions and other opportunities to young people living in a largely rural area. Weekly workshops, are held on a termly basis throughout the year. These are professionally led, run concurrently, and targetted carefully at different age groups, from 9+ to 18+. Currently, these are junior (school years 5 and 6), intermediate (school years 7 and 8), and senior (school year 9 upwards).

One major production is staged every year by the senior group: this year it will be Aristophanes' comic play, "The Birds". Additionally, throughout the year, other events take place. These include a summer project for a small group of the most senior and experienced members, intensive preparation/rehearsal followed by a short tour. This project concentrates on major classics, or devised work, simply and excitingly staged, and taken to small venues. Other projects - all aimed at specific age groups - are specialised skills workshops ..... stage combat, circus skills etc., and mini-festivals drawing on all performance skills (music, dance etc.).

Over the years, MYT has represented Wales in international festivals in Edinburgh and Liverpool, and represented Powys with a performance in the Millenium Dome in 2000. It has won an award for Excellence in Youth Work. It has undertaken three innovative exchange projects with Swedish groups. It has performed at Theatre Clwyd and at the National Theatre in London.

MYT is a registered charity. It operates a strictly non-selective policy, for membership and for productions, although such is the demand for membership that there usually has to be a waiting list in operation. The only requirement for membership is that every participant should adhere to the ethos of the group, which is to work sensibly and with good humour, to be prepared to take creative risks, and respect everyone's work. MYT does not see itself as a training ground for young actors: however, over the years a great many of its members (some of whom have worked continuously up to ten years with us) have gone on to top drama colleges and trained successfully for different aspects of the profession. These colleges include RADA, Guildhall, Welsh College of Music and Drama, Bretton Hall, Mountview, Rose Bruford and East 15 - as well as university departments.

Anyone wanting further information about MYT should contact us at Fees for participants are kept low, and can be reduced or waived in cases of financial need.




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