Theatre in Wales

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Meredydd Barker


We have information on 3 plays by Meredydd Barker . Click on the play name to access any reviews in out archive. Click on the company's name to read their details on this web site


Acqua Nero First presented in 2007
by Sgript Cymru

Acqua Nero is a dazzling and gripping play, it skilfully switches between the chaotic last days of World War Two to a more placid modern day Wales. In a POW camp, we follow Dario Murazzo, an Italian held by two Nazis desperate to escape prison as they watch Hitler’s regime collapsing around them. In present-day Wales, we witness the story of an elderly man named Dario Murazzo –whose world begins to collapse around him as his family start to unravel the disturbing truth about his past. This is a riveting play that questions identity and history, should we ever just believe what we are told?
The forthcoming production of Acqua Nero will be directed by Simon Harris, he tells us why the play holds such an appeal for him,

“ Meredydd is an exciting talent. Having trained as a sculptor, he has a real sense of the additional dimensions of space and time in his work. He does not write a play as if it’s part of a literary medium. Acqua Nero caught my eye some time ago and I’m delighted that it’s finally coming to the stage. With Buzz and The Rabbit, Meredydd demonstrated his promise. Acqua Nero will illustrate how far he has matured. In my view, it is an ambitious and penetrating piece of work that marks him out as one of Wales’s most intelligent and skilful dramatists.

Buzz First presented in 2004
by Sgript Cymru

Mae winc a sbonc i'r gomedi dywyll yma - gwyliwch allan amdani! Mae pethau arferonl yn edrych yn od iawn yn sydyn reit. Ifan sydd wedi ei gloi mewn ystafell er chwe mis, yn coelio y gall marwolaeth fod wrth y drws. Maemenywod y teulu yn gwylio drosto wrth iddo aros ac edrych ar y bae y tu allan i'r ffenestr trwy ei delesgop. Beth bynnag am ei alergedd arbennig, mae Ifan yn mentro popeth er mwyn gwylio dyn sydd ddim ond yn ymddangos am bythefnos bob mis Awst. Dyma fywyd drwy delesgop neu drwy galeidoscop, yn defnyddio tafodiaith gynnes a hynod De Orllewin Cymru.

There's a wink and a spark to this play. Ifan has been trapped in a room for six months, believing that death could be waiting for him outside because of a special allergy. This is life either through a telescope or a kaleidoscope, using the warm quirks of South West Wales colloquialism.

The Rabbit First presented in 2001
by Clwyd Theatr Cymru

First play by this author, produced by Clwyd Theatr Cymru, directed by Terry Hands

The Rabbit is a family drama set in rural wales. In the farming community times are hard and the struggle is on to survive. Debts are mounting and a way of life is at stake.
Rhys is an anxious man. Tag is on his tail with his henchman Rikeman, a psychopath, not far behind.
Money that Rhys has stolen is hidden in the farmouse and he will do anything to keep it safe.
But once Rikeman arrives life in the sleepy welsh hamlet is never quite the same.

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