Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)

  Arad Goch

Arad Goch

Stryd Baddon / Bath Street
SY23 2NN

  current production | past productions
phone | ffôn 01970 617998
fax | ffacs 01970 611223
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Jeremy Turner
Nia Wyn Evans
artistic policy
polisi artistig
Productions are toured nationally for children, young people and communities throughout Wales visiting theatres, village halls, schools and community centres.
brief history
hanes cryno
Ffurfiwyd ym 1998 i greu gwaith newydd yn bennaf i gynulleifaoedd ifanc. Mae gwaith y cwmni yn cyfuno deunydd cyfoes a traddodiadol âg amrywiaeth o arddulliau perfformio a cherddoriaeth byw. Creir cynhyrchiadau newydd drwy
(i) comisiynu sgriptiau newydd
(ii) addasu llenyddiaeth blant a phobl ifanc at ddefnydd theatrig a
(iii) dyfeisio gyda grwpiau o actorion.

Maer cwmni yn darparu gwaith at gyfer llwyfannau mawrion ynghd â cynhyrchiadau llai o faint ar gfyer perfformiadau stiwdio. Yn 1999 cychwynwyd y grwp perfformio newydd LABl, o dan ymbarel ARAD GOCH, i gwestiynu y sefyllfa sydd ohoni yn y theatr yng Ngymru ac i ddatblygu gwaith newydd gan berfformwyr ifanc.

Mae ARAD GOCH yn trefnu AGOR DRYSAU - OPENING DOORS Gwyl Theatr Ryngwladol Cymru i Gynulleidfaoedd Ifainc.

Formed in 1989, ARAD GOCH creates new work primarily for young audiences. The company’s repertoire combines both contemporary and traditional source material with a variety of physical and imagistic theatre, contemporary and traditional performance styles and live music. The company creates new work by
1. commissioning new plays
2. adapting childrens and young peoples literature for the stage and
3. devising work with regular groups of performers.

The company tours both main-stage productions and small scale, studio productions which are often contained in their own enclosed environments.

ARAD GOCH organises AGOR DRYSAU - OPENING DOORS Wales International Festival of Theatre for Young Audiences. The next festival will be held in Spring 2008.

The scale of the company’s work depends on individual productions: some are made for a maximum of 60 children (especially work for very small children) other are performed in middle scale venues.

The company has toured widely abroad including tours to the USA, Canada, Singapore, Sweden, Poland and Ireland where it won the prize for the best childrens’ production in the 1996 Dublin International Theatre Festival. During Autumn 2006 the company will work on a co-production – ‘Winter Pictures/Hel Meddyliau’ – with the Ark Theatre, Dublin. The show will be performed in Ireland and Wales.
selected past productions
rhai cynhyrchiadau'r gorffenol
Productions of note during the last two years are:
Twm a Mati Tat (Summer 2004)
Caneri Gwylan a Bran (Autumn 2004)
Anrheg/The Gift (Winter 2004, Winter 2005)
Yr Ysbryd/The Spirit (Spring 2005)
Crash (Spring 2005)
Lleuad yn Olau (Summer 2005)
Merch Cae Bach/The Little Girl at Cae Bach (Autumn 2005)
Tafliad Carreg/Stones (Winter 2005)
Cinio Ysgol/School Dinners (Spring 2006)
Penbobi Hapus/Happy Bobiday (Summer 2006)

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