Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)


Common Pulse Theatre

107 Ninian Road,
Roath Park,
CF23 5ER

  current production | past productions
phone | ffôn 02920 498139
e-mail address | e-bost
Chris Durnall, Caroline Bunce
artistic policy
polisi artistig
Formed in 1997 Common Pulse are a community theatre company touring south and aouth west Wales. We aim to bring brilliant contemporary drama to as wide an audience as possible. We present plays that are rarely seen beyond the south east and we hope will connect with audiences of mixed ages and backgrounds.

We presently operate under the Arts council "Night Out" scheme and plan to mount a tour in early 2003
brief history
hanes cryno
Past productions: Community tours of "Death and the Maiden" "Ironmistress" and "Duet for One"

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