Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)



C/O RWCMD Drama Dept
Castle Grounds, Cathays Park
CF10 3ER

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Simon Reeves
artistic policy
polisi artistig
charged was founded primarily by Simon Reeves, the current Artistic Director, in April of 2003 and was named after the atmosphere it hopes to produce at each of its theatrical events. It’s debut production, "Face the Wall" was a hard hitting piece of contemporary drama by Martin Crimp and Neil Labute and won acclaim from press and audience both at The Edinburgh festival and at Cardiff's Chapter Arts Centre.

charged's mission is twofold: to produce theatre of the highest possible quality which addresses the concerns and aspirations of contemporary society, enhancing the prominence of theatre both in it's home city of Cardiff and in the world at large whilst providing an environment where recent graduates can develop their skills by working with established professionals.

brief history
hanes cryno
charged was founded primarily by Simon Reeves, the current Artistic Director, in April of 2003 and was named after the atmosphere it hopes to produce at each of its theatrical events. It was originally conceived in response to a "dry" spot in production of exciting and challenging contemporary theatre in Wales and was born out of the work of The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. It holds close links to that institution and has used many of it’s students and graduates as it’s inspiration and in it’s work.

It’s first production, "Face the Wall" was a hard hitting piece of contemporary drama by Martin Crimp and Neil Labute and won acclaim from press and audience both at The Edinburgh festival and at Cardiff 's Chapter Arts Centre. This confirmation of it’s vision has fed the companies ambition to continue it’s work and mission, utilizing the work of established contemporary playwrights.

charged is proud to acknowledge it’s links with local companies and professionals which include RWCMD, Chapter Arts Centre, Theatr Iolo as well as many less formal arrangements. All of these organizations have provided practical support in it’s work. Charged believes this support comes from it’s emphasis on:
· supplying what the nation lacks in it’s theatre provision
· The excellence of the company and the excitement it 's work generates
· It’s commitment to developing new and young talent

The company seeks to establish itself as the foremost producer of quality contemporary theatre in Wales as well as the destination of choice for the countries drama graduates and is seeking partnerships with businesses and funding agencies which share it's aims. We have a strong conviction that we deserve this kind of support which would provide the fan to change our spark to an inferno.

Charged is currently an unincorporated association and comprises mostly of volunteers although it has begun to structure it’s working process and is currently aimed towards achieving incorporation as a company limited by Guarantee. It’s founder members are Simon Reeves (Current Artistic Director), Christian Bradshaw (Currently an Associate Director), Jamie Garven (Currently an Associate Director), Rachel Shand, Anita Reynolds and Katy Owen. Associate Members include Sian McDowall (Company Producer). It is managed day to day by it’s volunteer Artistic Director and Producer under advice from an informal “board”. During production employees and volunteers take on duties according to their appointment.

charged is a member of the ITC.

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