Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)


Bitesize Theatre

8 Green Meadows
New Broughton
LL11 6SG

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Bill Robertson
artistic policy
polisi artistig
To produce the highest quality theatre possible for a schools audience.

To present a range of theatre writing from Shakespeare to new works.

To promote a programme of work which is both educational and entertaining.

To create new audiences for live theatre.

To encourage children to use their imaginations and to understand and empathize with a wide variety of characters, situations, beliefs and views.

To make theatre available and accessible to children with disabilities.

To encourage and enable individuals and groups to develop their own theatre skills.

To provide a theatre resource for local community and performance groups.

brief history
hanes cryno
The BITESIZE THEATRE COMPANY is a professional touring theatre company for schools.

BITESIZE was set up in September 1992 by Artistic Director Linda Griffiths specializing in theatre for young people.

Our aim is to produce high quality, accessible shows for a schools audience and so our annual programme of between ten and twelve productions contains a mixture of shows from New writing to Shakespeare; including educational shows based on National Curriculum requirements, adaptations of Classic Stories and entertaining seasonal shows. We also have a comprehensive Workshop Programme running throughout the year, and a blossoming YOUTH THEATRE.

When we started in 1992, our touring area consisted of schools in the North West of England and North Wales; but in the intervening years, we have steadily increased our coverage to include almost all of England and Wales; a little over 20,000 schools, who we mail twice a year. We split the country into 8 touring Areas with a tour base in each, making close to 1500 school visits a year

In 1993, Bill Robertson became Writer in Residence at Bitesize, allowing the introduction of new writing, plays commissioned by the company and an expansion in the number of productions, and Bitesize became the resident professional theatre company in a Community Secondary School, Ysgol y Grango at Rhosllanerchrugog, Wrexham and then during 2000, the Company took up an offer, from St.Christopher's Special School, Wrexham to spend part of our rehearsal time at their school and we still spend part of our rehearsal time in these two Schools, although we now also have rehearsals rooms at our base on the Rhosddu Industrial Estate, Wrexham where we also run BITESIZE YOUTH THEATRE.

About a sixth of our work is with Special Needs children, covering the full range of disabilities. The productions are taken to the schools; which is particularly important for Special Schools as it allows the children to be happy and relaxed in their normal environment and so feel at ease to join in the various participatory elements in the performance. It also eliminates the problems of access and the cost and difficulty of transporting numbers of wheelchair bound children to a theatre or other venue. Additional elements are included to increase their accessibility for as wide a range of disabilities as possible, including children who are sensory deprived and would otherwise be unable to attend or benefit from a theatrical performance

The enjoyment and benefits gained, particularly by the disabled children, are immeasurable , and judging by the comments we receive, the shows are appreciated by staff and pupils alike : "The sheer quality of the performance ensured that all of the children and staff had a wonderful afternoon." "It certainly helped their speech and language." "Everything about the production exuded professionalism, the company literally had the entire audience captivated." "A tremendous success. The children were wild with excitement..... so worthwhile since our children are unable to see live shows because their parents find the wheelchairs a major problem."

BITESIZE shows run with between 3 and 6 actors; playing multiple roles; and usually include large amounts of audience involvement. We carry lights, sound, costumes, set, props with us and we make our shows fun to watch and to be part of; even Shakespeare can be fun !!! We pride ourselves on the quality of our productions, and believe that quality should never be compromised because we are "only" performing for a school's audience; after all; if we do our job well enough, they will be the adult audiences of the future.

BITESIZE also offers support and provides in-service training for teaching staff and work experience placements for local pupils at GCSE, BTEC and A level.

The Company is fully insured and, like school staff, all of our personnel are checked by the CRB under the provisions of the PROTECTION of CHILDREN ACT.

The BITESIZE THEATRE COMPANY is a wholly independent organization. We DO NOT receive grants or any other monetary assistance from Local or National Government; the Lottery; the Arts Councils; or any major Commercial Sponsor. Our income come solely from selling of our productions direct to schools.

selected past productions
rhai cynhyrchiadau'r gorffenol
Teechers by John Godber
Snow White & the 7 Dwarves by Crispin Harris

Groping for Words by Sue Townsend
Sam Small's Big Problem by Bill Robertson
Where There's a Will, There's a Play by Bill Robertson
Mousella by Crispin Harris

Where There's a Will (2) by Bill Robertson
Everybody Dance by Bill Robertson
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad by Bill Robertson
Mousella by Crispin Harris & B. Robertson

Where There's a Will (3) by Bill Robertson
Shakespeare for Sats
Sigurd of the Volsung by Bill Robertson
Sam Small's Big Problem by Bill Robertson
Dr. Acula M.D. by Bill Robertson
Everybody Dance by Bill Robertson
Sleeping Beauty by Bill Robertson
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad by Bill Robertson
Mousella by Crispin Harris & B. Robertson

Where There's a Will (4) by Bill Robertson
Shakespeare for Sats
Victoriana by Bill Robertson
Treasure Island by R.L.Stevenson adapted by Bill Robertson
Everybody Dance by Bill Robertson
Dick Whittington by Bill Robertson
Sleeping Beauty by Bill Robertson
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad by Bill Robertson
Mousella by Crispin Harris & B. Robertson

Powersavers 97(for British Gas Wales) by Bill Robertson
Shakespeare for Sats
Multicultural Project
Where there's a Will (5) by Bill Robertson
Old Time Music Hall by Bill Robertson
Victoriana by Bill Robertson
Sword in the Stone by T.H. White adapted by Bill Robertson
Strike ! (New Community Musical) by Bill Robertson & Ken Hughes
Jack and the Beanstalk by Bill Robertson
Dick Whittington by Bill Robertson
Sleeping Beauty by Bill Robertson
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad by Bill Robertson
Mousella by Crispin Harris & B. Robertson

Shakespeare for Sats
Much Ado About Shakespeare by Bill Robertson
The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Robert Browning adapted by Bill Robertson
Romeo & Juliet
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad by Bill Robertson
Jack and the Beanstalk by Bill Robertson
Dick Whittington by Bill Robertson
Aladdin by Bill Robertson

Shakespeare for Sats
Introduction to Shakespeare:Primaries by Bill Robertson
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll adapted by Bill Robertson
Twelfth Night
Jack and the Beanstalk by Bill Robertson
Aladdin by Bill Robertson
Beauty and the Beast by Bill Robertson

Shakespeare for Sats
Much Ado about Shakespeare by Bill Robertson
Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame adapted by Bill Robertson
Aladdin by Bill Robertson
Beauty and the Beast by Bill Robertson
Babes in the Wood by Bill Robertson

Shakespeare for Sats
Peter & the Wolf by Bill Robertson
Sword in the Stone by T.H. White adapted by Bill Robertson
Recycling Roadshow/The Shape of Things to Come by Bill Robertson
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Beauty and the Beast by Bill Robertson
Babes in the Wood by Bill Robertson
Snow White & the Seven Dwarves by Bill Robertson

Shakespeare for Sats
The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Robert Browning adapted by Bill Robertson
Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi adapted by Bill Robertson
Much Ado about Shakespeare by Bill Robertson
Recycling Roadshow/The Shape of Things to Come by Bill Robertson
Babes in the Wood by Bill Robertson
Snow White & the Seven Dwarves by Bill Robertson
Cinderella by Bill Robertson

Shakespeare for Sats
Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame adapted by Bill Robertson
Much Ado about Shakespeare by Bill Robertson
Recycling Roadshow/The Shape of Things to Come by Bill Robertson
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Snow White & the Seven Dwarves by Bill Robertson
Cinderella by Bill Robertson
Golden Voyage of Sinbad by Bill Robertson

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