Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)

  Gaia Independent Arts Productions Limited

Gaia Independent Arts Productions Limited

  current production | past productions
phone | ffôn 07943 192825 (Text preferred)
e-mail address | e-bost
web site | wefan
artistic policy
polisi artistig
GAIA is an independent ethical multi-media, arts and ecological educational company (for productions, presentations, publications, performances, design, marketing and advertising) working in film, stage, promotional, publishing, lectures, installations and education. Its independent status is founded on ethical and ecological ideals. A determined role model for companies to follow, GAIA's social, business and ethical conduct has gained the respect of larger companies and organisations of similar ethical ideals. Leading the way in developing sustainable green commerce, GAIA has implemented and practices ground breaking methods of business management and social accountability. Keeping a balance between employing radical alternative methods of commerce, communications, financing and employment; challenging modern corporate commerce; with supporting and nurturing individuals' hidden or suppressed creative or ecological vocational development
brief history
hanes cryno
To date GAIA has: Organisated a run one of north Londons most acclaimed and publically attended group art exhibitions. Organised Art workshops and Art Auctions to promote local artist's and craftpeople's work and the work of the NSPCC. GAIA is current agent to several national and international artists, under its Artist Support Service. GAIA has sponsored and been agents to several national and international young sprint athletes. Designed logos/stationery and given ethical consultations to new businesses. Published children's books, with illustrations by new up and coming illustrators. Developing, with an ethical sports fibres expert, a range of ethical sports clothing. Working on a featuer legth film, and several promotional short films for various campaigns organisations

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