Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)



The Stables
Nantoes Mansion
SY23 4LU

  current production | past productions
phone | ffôn 01970 615466 / 07890 950610
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Hayley Trezise
artistic policy
polisi artistig
Earthlingz is a small street theatre company with experience of working in all aspects of the discipline. From design and creation through to walkabout performance.

Costumes, masks, props and puppets come together to form intricate and interactive street acts.
Our acts primarily focus on fantasy characters from the fun loving Plumpillyells inspiring wishes and giggles, The Ice Queen and her trusted butler Mr Slashpitt making sure all her subjects are cold enough and The Goblin Doctors on their mission to cure ailments and drive disease from the spirits of humans. We also have Lord and Lady Wooton-Bassett, two socialites of high born ancestral stock who are more than happy to attend events of any nature.

All the acts are suitable for many occasions from street days and arts festivals to private parties, and they work well with adults and children.

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