Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)

  HELP (Helping Everyone Love Performance)

HELP (Helping Everyone Love Performance)

7 Union Street
SA31 3DE

  current production | past productions
phone | ffôn 07854 359851
e-mail address | e-bost
web site | wefan
Nathan Dippie
artistic policy
polisi artistig
Helping Everyone Love Performance is a young exciting and dynamic theatre company, who believe that theatre, drama and performance used in the correct manner can help change and shape young peoples lives.

Our business’s main goals and objects are these. We want theatre to be accessible to all those young people who want it wherever they may reside. We want our theatre to be situation specific and be dynamic in its content and style. We want to help disaffected young people understand their decisions through interactive theatre.

We also wish to be the leading supplier of theatre in education to educational and youth projects in South West Wales, eventually growing to encompass the rest of Wales and eventually the U.K.

Mission Statement: To aid young people to grow, learn and accept through the medium of performing arts. To promote confidence, trust, teamwork and communication, key skills in society as it stands today. Finally to make the arts available to all who want them.

Business Philosophy: Our philosophy is simple. We want to help people experience the joys and therapeutic values of theatre. We believe that for young people to make good choices they must be informed and more importantly understand those choices. Theatre in education goes hand in hand with education and aids in the educational process

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