Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)

  Black Rat Productions

Black Rat Productions

25 Countess Place
Vale of Glamorgan
CF64 3UJ

  current production | past productions
phone | ffôn 07944 44 64 54
e-mail address | e-bost
web site | wefan
artistic policy
polisi artistig
Black RAT Productions is a professional company which brings together emerging and established talent to produce 'classic' theatre in an accessible format to audiences.

The remit of Black RAT Productions is to use the text as the focal point for all creative decisions in order to encourage characterisation which is both vibrant and fully relevant to the script.

The company also has a strong education policy and offers exciting workshop activities where young people can explore, not only the themes of
a play, but approaches to characterisation and performance

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