Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)

  Organised Kaos Youth Circus

Organised Kaos Youth Circus

Amman Valley

  current production | past productions
phone | ffôn 01792 863722
e-mail address | e-bost
web site | wefan
Nicola Hemsley / Truan Mathias
artistic policy
polisi artistig
When young people’s creative energies are not properly engaged, Society complains. Circus was set up on a Friday night to target the high levels of anti social behavior in the upper Amman valley, a recognized community first area with high levels of poverty, unemployment, Ill health, and bad transport links.

KAOS-keeping adolescents off the streets, continues to address this situation by creating an exciting and unique skills based youth provision in an area where previously there was none.

Through repetitive practice and listening, the young people have mastered a range of dangerous and challenging performance skills in a controlled and safe environment, executed to a standard which has astounded the local community, and circus professionals alike.

Although at present O.K is a community group, we intend to incorporate in 2009 and become a Community Interest Company, A social enterprise, where all of our profits are fed back into the community, creating employment, Training opportunities,and a sustainable business accessible to everyone.

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