Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)


Inter Act (Wales)

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Helena Devereux
artistic policy
polisi artistig
We are a collective of performing artists and educational theatre practitioners based in North Wales. We COLLABORATE together to share skills and experiences. We CREATE theatre and artistic projects. We CONNECT to other artists, local communities and schools. InterAct (Wales) works with many young actors who are originally from North Wales to provide professional creative work in their home area and connect their skills to the needs of the community.

Our theatre work includes:

Creating theatre and producing new writing – our ‘InterActors’ our multi-skilled actors, directors, writers, dancers and musicians. We create, develop and perform new work as a collective. For details of our current season please visit our website
Our educational work includes:

Workshops for children and adults – workshops can be drama based or skills based such as confidence building, public speaking, team building, etc.

Private acting tuition and LAMDA tuition – available at your home or at our base near Mold.

Placements – From 2014 we will be offering paid work placements, financially supported by the Welsh Government.

Our entertainment work includes:

Commissioned work and bespoke events – we accept a variety of commissions including - to write new work, devise a new production with a group, run tailored workshops and more. We run bespoke events, past events have included, Winter Wonderland, Halloween Scare events, country house murder mysteries and Christmas elves.

Murder Mysteries – we can adapt our murder mysteries to any audience number and location. Past events have taken place aboard a steam train, in country houses, in underground caverns and on boats.

Entertainment – Our members have a variety of skills including music, singing, face painting, party hosting, balloon modelling and can be booked for entertainment.

Artistic Vision

The vision of InterAct (Wales) is to collaborate and connect to create exciting and challenging theatre through an holistic approach to performance.

We operate as a not-for-profit company for the benefit of all our artists. We aim to create and perform issue based theatre at site specific and traditional venues and to make this powerful genre of theatre accessible to all.

We strive to bring text-based performances to life by challenging the traditional rehearsal process, creating multi-sensory, multimedia interpretations of both classical pieces and new work.

We aim to provide a supportive environment designed to nurture and develop the skills and strengths of our artists as individuals and as a collective.

We want to continue the original ethos of the founding of the company by providing a training ground and support network for young people in North Wales who wish to pursue a career in the arts.

We wish to engage with and encourage a new generation of artists by working with schools and communities through workshops, open rehearsals and our unique 'create a play in a day' sessions.

We want our work to bridge generation gaps and inspire young and old alike. We aim to enrich our local area by encouraging North Wales' artistic professionals to return to work in the area after training.

Together we can Collaborate, Connect, Create Vivien Devereux Artistic Director

Contact Details
Helena Devereux 07903 879647
Vivien Devereux 01352 744462
future plans
cynlluniau at y dyfodol
Death Shall Have No Dominion at Edinburgh Fringe 2014

1-23rd August 2014 @Basement Bar, The Phoenix

Reputation is … oft got without merit, and lost without deserving. (Othello) Bosworth 1485 and Mametz Wood 1916 - Two battles which changed history. Over two nights we ask you to re-examine with us the accusations of villainy levelled against Richard III and the alleged cowardice of the Welsh Soldiers at the Somme. 2014 – the reburial of the King In The Car Park and the anniversary of WWI. Crowned or commoner - reputation is fragile Part One: What Remains of Richard? The story of a King who lost more than his crown. Killed by the sword but murdered by the pen, the production explores the effect on Richard III's reputation by those writing during and after his lifetime. 'The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones' Shakespeare Part Two: Mametz It is 1916 and the Battle of the Somme is raging. Tasked with taking Mametz Wood, the Welsh soldiers and their comrades have dwindling supplies, heavy casualties and plummeting morale. Welcome to the land of broken bodies and shattered dreams. Welcome to the land of lost potential. Welcome to hell on earth. Welcome to Mametz Wood

InterAct (Wales) presents: Backstage InterAction
23rd-25th July 2014, Flintshire N.WALES
As part of the above season of work, InterAct (Wales) will be opening the doors of the rehearsal room to the local community and theatre groups, allowing you to see how one of our productions takes shape. There will be discussions with the cast and creative team, skills sharing workshops and the opportunity to watch the production develop and to give your feedback.
To join us for this exciting opportunity please email

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