Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)


Mappa Mundi

Chapter Arts Centre

  current production | past productions
phone | ffôn 02920 407 830
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Ceri James
artistic policy
polisi artistig
Mappa Mundi is a company committed to working with classic texts and creating exciting productions of a consistently high standard. The core of Mappa Mundi was strong enough to attract and support new-comers to the company. The company had a fine track record of productions and critical acclaim
brief history
hanes cryno
"The history of Mappa Mundi is a tale of the unexpected. They performed Titus, Kabuki style, Taming of the Shrew in drag, A Midsummer Night's Dream with fireworks, and Henry VIII with most of the Shakespeare edited out. They are post-modernist enfants terribles of Welsh drama, practitioners of designer theatre, instant culturists, irreverent classicists. They are a breath of fresh air and with ten productions in a couple of years they have achieved cult-status."

David Adams - The Guardian
selected past productions
rhai cynhyrchiadau'r gorffenol
Anthony and Cleopatra
Twelfth Night
Titus Andronicus
Henry VIII
Love's Labour's Lost
Taming of the Shrew
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Canterbury Tales
future plans
cynlluniau at y dyfodol
Richard III, spring 2005

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