Theatre in Wales

Plays and dance productions in Wales since 1982...

Alex Pascall


We have information on one play by Alex Pascall . Click on the play name to access any reviews in out archive. Click on the company's name to read their details on this web site


Common Threads First presented in 2001
by Gwent Young People’s Theatre (formerly Gwent Theatre)

Set within a plantation on the island of Grenada and Big Pit Colliery in South Wales, 'Common Threads' revolves around the history of the Sugar and Coal industries. A fairy-tale romance that brings the offspring of three generations together to fulfil a promise of love. With live music and strong visual imagery.

Alex Pascall is a broadcaster, oral historian and cultural strategist, teaching, performing and promoting Caribbean music and history to people of all ages in schools, universities, libraries and communities. He has written and documented material to respond to the need to make Caribbean folk arts widely accessible and holds a large historical archive spanning over five decades of Black presence in Britain. He was recently involved in the highly acclaimed ‘Roots to Torfaen’ project.

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