Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance venues and performace spaces


Theatr Fach

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venue policy Theatr Fach, as it's name implies (for non Welsh speakers, fach means small or little) is not a large venue but what the building, a former chapel, lacks in size, the company of people who perform in the space make up for in sheer enthusiasm.
They are a group of disparate individuals who number teachers, artists, retired business executives and one almost tame professional writer.
Throughout the year, the company puts on various productions; plays, readings, poetry readings, a summer show and, of course pantomime.
notes The theatre plays host to professional companies and individual performers. These  performances are sponsored by Gwynedd Council under the 'Night Out Scheme'.

A recent lottery grant enabled the company to enlarge their back stage facilities and to add a club room where committee meetings and less formal gatherings take place.
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