Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance companies (professional)

  Bara Caws

Bara Caws

Uned 1A
LL55 2BD

  current production | past productions
phone | ffôn 01286 676335
fax | ffacs 01286 671814
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cyfarwyddwraig artistic......Betsan Llwyd
Linda Brown
artistic policy
polisi artistig
Berwyn Morris-Jones
Cynllunydd a Thechnegydd
01286 676 335

Emyr Morris-jones
Cynllunydd a Thechnegydd
01286 676 335

Linda Brown
01286 676 335

Mari Emlyn
01286 675 869

Tomos Moore

Betsan Llwyd

Bara Caws yw yr unig Cwmni refeniw sydd yn cael ei ariannu yn unswydd I deithio theatr Ir gymuned yng Nghymru. Prif nod y cwmni yw I greu theatr o berthnasedd ac or safon uchaf ar gyfer y gynulleidfa hon

Bara Caws is the only revenue company funded specifically to tour community theatre in Wales. The main aim of the company is to create relevant theatre of the highest quality for this audience

Mae Bara Caws yn aelod blaenllaw o Offspring, sef grwp o gwmniau theatr o ddiwylliannau lleiafrifol Ewrop. Gall diwylliannau lleiafrifol fod yn ynysig, ac felly mae Offspring or farn mai trwy siarad gyda diwylliannau lleiafrifol eraill mae modd ennyn nerth trwy osod eich diwylliant unigryw eich hun mewn cyd-testun ehangach

Bara Caws is an active member of Offspring, a grouping of theatre companies from minority cultures in Europe. Minority cultures can be isolating, Offspring believes that through a dialogue with other cultures it is possible to gain strength by placing ones unique cultural experience in a broader context
brief history
hanes cryno
Bara Caws yw y cwmni mwyaf sefydliedig o bob cwmni theatr proffesiynnol yng Nghymru. Ers y sioe gyntaf yn ol ym 1977, maer cwmni wedi llwyfannu a theithio yn agos at 77 o sioeau. Yn wir, I rai bobl yng Nghymru, Bara Caws ywr theatr Gymraeg am iddi bara cyhyd a diddanu cynifer o bobl dros y blynyddoedd.

Bara Caws is the oldest established professional theatre company in Wales. Since its first show in 1977 the company has staged and toured close to 77 shows. Indeed, some people in Wales say that Bara Caws is welsh theatre as it has existed for so long and has entertained so many over the years.

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