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'Cancer Time' at Aberystwyth Arts Centre     

'Cancer Time' at Aberystwyth Arts Centre Fair Play Productions Theatre Company present Gary Owen's 'Cancer Time' at Aberystwyth Arts Centre

"We're allotted fag breaks, so we can work up a nice mid-life cancer, gives ourselves a bit of light at the end of the tunnel"

Cancer Time is a dark comedy by Gary Owen with two characters - Mared (Emily Rees) and Iola (Alex Bull). They are work colleagues in a call company in South Wales. The dialogue takes place during their 'fag breaks'. They bond through witty conversations, discussing their personal lives and their mundane worklife, through which Iola ultimately helps Mared deal with a sudden loss.

"As ever, Owen proves himself a master at creating a world that seems ordinary and yet has something strange and dark stalking it at the edges". Guardian

Emily Rees first performed and produced this piece at the Arches for the On the Verge festival in Glasgow back in June and then she took it to her home town of Swansea at the Dylan Thomas Theatre in August. Throughout the run they received excellent responses and credibility and this made Emily want to take it to other venues and keep producing and making her own work.

Emily and Alex Bull are both from Swansea. Alex studied drama at Aberystwyth University and Emily went to the RSAMD in Glasgow to train. Now they have both graduated and Emily has returned to Wales, they thought this would be a great opportunity to work together, share their experiences and show the industry something exciting and fresh to Welsh Theatre.

Fair Play Productions Theatre Company present Cancer Time at Aberystwyth Arts Centre on Thursday 3 November, 7.45pm. Tickets are £6 (£4) and are available from Aberystwyth Arts Centre ticket office 01970 62 32 32 or online
web site

Friday, October 14, 2011back



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