Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance reviews

At Wales Millennium Centre

The Igam Ogam Show- Wales Millennium Centre with Coreo Cymru in association with Calon TV , Wales Millennium Centre (Weston Studio) , August 4, 2013
At Wales Millennium Centre by The Igam Ogam Show- Wales Millennium Centre with Coreo Cymru in association with Calon TV Based on the very popular and lively children television programme, this production brings the characters in the story to life and captivates the capacity 2 – 4 year old (plus parents) audience who all shout and wave and sing with gusto.

They are given a marvelous treat in the splendid performances of the three sprightly performers. Igam Ogam, the cave dwelling little girl who tells us she is grown up and nearly four. Roly the blue furred monkey whose dancing and acrobatics are absolutely brilliant and the perfectly handled puppets Doggie, Birdie, Wiggle and Triple Tog.

The energy Lauren Lee Jones brings to her character the naughty Igam Ogam is terrific. She has a sparkle in her eye and interacts well with her spirited young audience. She is a very stubborn nearly four, little girl and is convinced she can do everything herself. But climbing in designer, Sean Cavanagh’s design with its exotic forest of banana and sliced bread fruit trees she soon becomes stuck and eventually welcomes the intervention of her monkey friend Roly.

Oris plays Roly and a very engaging, dancing monkey he proves to be. There doesn’t seem to be one part of his body that he is not able spin on. Now Mums and their little ones follow him with wide eyes. He helps Igam Ogam down from her precarious position stuck up in a banana tree and she eventually accepts that two people can enjoy a see-saw made from a giant banana better than one.

Wiggle disappearing and reappearing gets everyone having a good shout, it doesn’t quite raise the roof but then the Millennium Centre does have a very strong roof. Birdie tries to keep Igam Ogam on her best behavior and Doggie, a sort of mini dinosaur is great fun. These are all puppets handled and voiced with an easy perfection by the friendly faced Sarah Butler.

This was a very pretty hour that delighted its audience but with its stellar creative team a little more imaginative narrative and interaction would have given a brighter and even more engaging entertainment.

It is great to see the Millennium Centre presenting its own work so that as well as giving us West End musicals, ballet and grand opera it is seeking to engage more with the community. This is a very welcome on going development I am looking out for further development with excitement and great anticipation

Reviewed by: Michael Kelligan

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