Theatre in Wales

Theatre, dance and performance reviews

“Cwtches and Chocolate, Smart Songs and Raps...”

At Wales Millennium Centre

Carys Eleri- Lovecraft (Not the Sex Shop in Cardiff) , Underbelly- Belly Button , August 23, 2019
At Wales Millennium Centre by Carys Eleri- Lovecraft (Not the Sex Shop in Cardiff) Lovecraft (Not the Sex Shop in Cardiff) bills itself as a “science comedy-musical”, digging into the hows and whys of our brains’ responses to the world around us.

Armed with a beautiful powerpoint packed with some incredible cartoons of the brain and a variety of rat-based experimental anecdotes, performer Carys Eleri rummages through her own past, using her relationships as a way to consider the neurological processes which shape not only what we think about the things that happen to us, but also how they impact upon our memory and wider understanding of the world.

It’s a big ask from one individual who stresses that she is absolutely not in any way a scientist. However, where someone with a more scientific background could perhaps tell us more names and statistics, or offer more details, this could in no way substitute the emotional honesty and openness that Eleri brings with her to the stage.

Given the nature of her show, there’s an enormous amount of her life on display, recounting episodes which were clearly hard enough to live through and, no doubt, draining to recall in such depth. Since opening this same show last year, Carys Eleri has experienced an unspeakably difficult time in her personal life, and she draws on this to discuss issues such as the paramount importance of genuine and developed friendships.”

Eleri also uses her platform to dig into the insidious, ever-present epidemic of loneliness...The emotional intelligence of Lovecraft actually feels quite profound. There’s real talent in being able to tackle such difficult topics with such a gentle presence, demonstrating that it’s brave to cry, but sometimes it’s even braver to laugh.

Audience feedback continues in the same vein:

“Free cwtches and chocolate...the show features smart songs and raps delivered in a variety of styles that would have Jones the Voice gasping in Welsh wonderment.”

“This show is amazing! Carys is lovely and does an amazing job telling her stories through science and music. Definitely a must-see show at the fringe, I could see it over again and be just as in love with it. The audience was involved and laughing along with Carys’ relatable stories.”

Review, cited,with thanks, can be read in full at:

Audience feedback taken from

Reviewed by: Adam Somerset

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